Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Love und Null im Tennis?

Introduction: Understanding the Difference between „Love“ and „Null“ in Tennis


Tennis is a sport known for its unique terminology and scoring system. Among the various terms used in tennis, „Love“ and „Null“ are two phrases that players often encounter. These terms are associated with scoring points in a tennis match, but what exactly do they mean? In this blog post, we will explore the difference between „Love“ and „Null“ in tennis and shed light on their significance in the game.

The Origins of „Love“ and „Null“

  • Love: The origin of the term „Love“ in tennis has an interesting historical background. It is believed to derive from the French word „l’oeuf,“ which means „egg.“ In early tennis, the scoreboard resembled an egg, and the word „Love“ was used to represent the score zero. Over time, the term got anglicized and became a staple in the tennis lexicon.

  • Null: On the other hand, „Null“ is derived from the German word for zero, which is widely used in many sports, including tennis. While „Love“ is more commonly used in international tennis, „Null“ is often utilized in German-speaking countries.

Understanding „Love“ and „Null“ in Tennis Scoring

In tennis, scoring is quite different from other sports. Instead of using simple numerical scores like 1, 2, 3, etc., the game employs a unique system based on points, games, and sets. To fully comprehend the distinction between „Love“ and „Null,“ let’s delve into how they fit into the scoring system.

Points in Tennis:

  • Love: When a player hasn’t scored any points, the score is referred to as „Love.“ It means that the player has not yet won a point in the current game.

  • Null: Similarly, „Null“ serves the same purpose as „Love“ and represents a score of zero. This term is often used in German-speaking countries and commonly referred to during matches.

Games and Sets:

  • Love and Null: In a tennis match, a player or team must win four points to win a game. The scoring system for games goes as follows: 0 (Love), 15, 30, 40, and game. When scores are tied at 40-40, known as „deuce,“ players must win two consecutive points to secure the game.

As for sets, they consist of a series of games, and the player or team who wins the majority of sets emerges as the winner of the match. The specific scoring system for sets may vary depending on the tournament format.

The Significance of „Love“ and „Null“ in Tennis

Understanding the difference between „Love“ and „Null“ goes beyond mere terminology. It has significant implications for players and how they approach the game. Here are a few key aspects to consider:

  1. Scorekeeping: „Love“ and „Null“ play a crucial role in keeping track of scores during a match. Whether you hear the term „Love“ or „Null,“ it indicates that a player or team has yet to score a point in the current game.

  2. Mental State: Being stuck at „Love“ or „Null“ can have an impact on a player’s mindset. It signifies a need to step up and win the next point to get on the scoreboard. This mental shift can motivate players to give their best and change the momentum of the game.

  3. Strategy: Coaches and players often use the terms „Love“ and „Null“ strategically to communicate during a match. It allows them to discuss the importance of getting that first point on the board and potentially shift the game’s dynamics.


The difference between „Love“ and „Null“ in tennis lies in their origins and cultural usage. Though they represent the same concept of zero points, „Love“ is more prevalent in international tennis, while „Null“ is commonly used in German-speaking countries.


As we have explored, these terms have a significant impact on the scoring system, mental state, and overall gameplay. They remind players of the need to earn that first point and motivate them to strive for success throughout the match.

So, the next time you hear „Love“ or „Null“ in a tennis match, you can appreciate the historical context and the role these terms play in this captivating sport.

Watch this brief video for a visual representation of „Love“ and „Null“ in tennis:

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